
How to Mem-Alexa Meta Tag verification ?

Talk about alexa, would not be far away from the name of Ranking. Well that's him. Lots of sites to be the center of the bloggers to assess their blog. There is a page rank google, yahoo, until the most widely installed widget is Alexa.

After a few seconds ago I wrote a post about " How to Install Alexa Widget in Blog , "Well, in this post, we will talk about" How to Mem-Alexa Meta Tag verification ". . . . (See also: How to boost Alexa Rank )

Why should diveifikasi? Because if guns, Alexa can not monitor the development of our blog, if until then, our automatic guns will be ranked from Alexa.com . . . . So Sob. . . .

Well, straight to the tutorial, " How to Mem-Meta Tag verification Alexa "

A. Login to Alexa
B. Open the tab "For Site Owner"
C. On the Manage Your Site, select Claim Your Site

D. Once open, fill in the web address of my friend, and click the 'Claim your site'

E. It will be given duapilihan
  1. Verify My text file
  2. Verify My meta tags
F. Select the Verify my meta tag: Underneath it there is a code, that code should the meta tags that we attach, Well, how to pair like this:

  • Login to blogger => layout => Edit HTML => Looking <head> code (use Ctrl + F)
  • Copy and paste the meta tag code after the code was <head>
  • Save
G. Well, if it is, back again to Alexa.com , then click on 'verify my meta tags', if the pair bener, it will succeed. If not, check its meta tag code, make sure at the end of the code meta tags like this

. . . . . />

How to Mem-Alexa Meta Tag verification ?
  1. sip gan, terima kasih atas infonya....

    mampir ke tempat saya gan, saya tunggu..... :)
